Saturday, January 9, 2016

More illogical anti-NS rubbish from Alex Tan

So one of the latest rubbish articles shitted out written by Alex Tan Zhixiang of STR, is this nonsense about how NS is bad...blah blah blah..

First of all, Alex Tan - it is not called "National Service" is nothing.

Obviously NS is going to require a certain amount of sacrifice from us all. Who ever said that it was going to be painless?

And you make the dumbass assumption that just because there are guys who don't look forward to serving NS, you think it is the same as "more Singaporeans today oppose NS".

Yes, this particular recruit is probably having a bad case of NS-blues. 
But does that necessarily mean that he would be opposed to serving NS?

Put it this way.

Do you like Speed Cameras/driving within the posted speed limit? Do you like Injections/vaccinations? Do you like paying taxes?

I doubt any one does.

But these are the necessary evils that we have to put up with in life. We don't like them but they are there for the greater good of society.

And isn't it the same when it comes to NS?

Which guy likes to have their hair reduced to a short coconut stubble?

Who likes to chiong the Obstacle Course or even do the 2.4Km run almost every other week?

Who likes to be away from their families and loved ones for long periods of time?

Obviously it would be ideal if there was another way which we could defend Singapore against our enemies without NS.

But is there?

For every NS opponent like Alex Tan, there are easily dozens of others who support NS wholeheartedly.

Alex Tan is so virulently opposed to NS that he fails to recognize for what NS is truly about.

NS is not 'slavery' or the government making use of NS soldiers as 'free labour".

It is about coming together as a country to defend our Homes and our Loved Ones from those who would seek to threaten or hurt us.

Alex Tan's opposing arguments about being disadvantaged in education, career, personal freedoms etc, reveals much about his own character and personal values - that he is only looking out for himself only. His mentality type shows him to be the person who would be the first to run at the first sign of trouble (which he actually did, over the TRS saga).

And Alex Tan is obviously either being very naive or choosing to be plain ignorant about world affairs, or as he calls it "today's international political climate".

Well, let's have a quick look at what has been happening around the world and in our neighborhood.

Blatant land grabs/invasions of sovereign nations are NOT a thing of the past.

China is obviously raising temperatures in the South China Seas. And Singapore relies on the South China Seas for its maritime trade.

BRP Sierra Madre is a World War II-era ship that is grounded at Second Thomas Shoal in the Spratly Islands with a handful of marines, as Philippines’ last line of defence against China’s efforts to control most of the South China Sea.
Image: CNN

2015 - Paris Terror Attacks
2015 - Terror's evolving threat to Singapore
2015 - Bangkok explosion: fatal blast at Erawan shrine 
2015 - Islamic State agents from Syria 'in Thailand to target Russians'
2015 - Japan says armed Chinese coastguard ship seen near disputed islands
2014 - Russia annexs Crimea
2014 - How an oil rig sparked anti-China riots in Vietnam
2014 - China-Philippines navy spat captured on camera
2014 - Philippines lodges protest over China ship blockade
2014 - Indonesia names warship after marines
2013 - Malaysia launches attack on Filipino intruders in Borneo

So in this short list, we have nations invading other nations, territorial disputes and terrorism threats. And how much of it do we see the UN playing a role to resolve or mitigate the tensions? And how many of these countries have been caught-short due to their weak armed forces?

Has the world become safer? Or is it still a vicious dog-eat-dog world?

Can Singapore afford not to have NS or a strong defence force? Who will defend our rights and sovereignty as a nation?

Alex Tan, and his buddies can take their anti-NS nonsense and shove it down their collective throats. For someone who despises everything Singapore, why is he even still trying to pretend to be some sort of a  Singapore news source out in Australia?

really? Where's the logic in this senseless rant? 

Alex Tan - one-time politician wannabe; former SAF Detention Barracks guest; self-imposed exile to Australia; Chief Editor of Bullshit generating website and generally all-round potty-mouth liar.

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