Thursday, July 28, 2016

Yes, We are a Little Red Dot.

So recently Indonesia's politicians have launched yet another tiresome tirade about Singapore's small size and how we always "take advantage" of them...blah blah blah.

It seems to me, that whenever the Indonesian politicians implement any policy / scheme which is somehow has something remotely to do with Singapore, and it is likely to be doomed to failure, they will always "hedge" their positions by claiming that the policy / scheme is being opposed / hindered / sabo'ed by Singapore, simply because it seems that when it comes to all things Indonesia, that's what Singapore does.

I guess Singapore is a convenient scapegoat to pin the blame if things don't go according to their plans. And that all their failures in policy and governance have got nothing to do with their own incompetence and wide-spread corruption.

This time , their latest "outrage" centers around how Singapore is supposedly "offering incentives" to hinder their Tax Amnesty Programme. And the Indo politicians seem to be reacting to rumors being reported by the Indo media. You can read about all these in the links below.

Suffice to say, Singapore Government has categorically refuted those accusations.

However what is note-worthy is Minister Shanmugam’s smack-down on the remarks made by the Indo Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro. He said, “Just let it be, I am not afraid of Singapore which is just a small country like that”.

Well, really? Then why do you feel the need to specifically mention it? sheesh...

And here’s what Minister Shanmugam had to say about that.

Yeah.. you go Min. Shanmugam!

Read more here:

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