Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Amos Yee goes to 'Jail' again....

Part 1 - Amos is detained after he told US Immigration he was seeking asylum

Part 2 - Amos is denied release and will be detained until his hearing on 7 March. 

Update (4 Feb): 
According to various media reports, Amos will not be released and instead will be detained by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) until his court hearing on 7 March 2017 which apparently is inline with President Trump's "new directives". By then, Amos would have been in detention for 80 days - which is almost twice as long as the 42 days (or 6 weeks) jail sentence Amos had to serve for 'wounding religious feelings'.  A quick search on Google seems to overwhelmingly suggest that conditions in the US immigration detention centres are depressingly bleak at best (like this and this). Maybe Amos can pull his depression/suicide stun again to try and gain some sympathy. Whatever it is, Amos reaps what he sows.

Oh, and where are all his supporters? How come there is still no talk of holding a "vigil" or protest to demand his release from detention?

Just when we had all but forgotten about Amos Yee, out he pops like a yellow pimple with yet another stunt.

This time, he’s gone over to the US to seek “political asylum”, and probably to escape his National Service duties as well.

We wouldn’t have bothered posting about him since posting news about him only feeds his egomania but the irony here is too great/funny.

Amos had probably thought that America would welcome him like a Hero, since he was escaping from an ‘authoritarian’ country which has 'denied' his desire for 'absolute' free speech. So when he landed, Amos told the US Immigration Officer that he was seeking asylum. 

Next thing you know, he’s been sent off to Jail where he’s been detained pending a hearing on his asylum application, which apparently can take a really long time.

And now that things have not gone the way he had expected, he’s now complaining about the US.

The sweet irony - Amos could potentially be detained in the US for longer than what he was sentenced to in S'pore.

You can read more about his situation at the links below, if you can be bothered to.

But all we can say is good riddance to bad rubbish. 

America, you are more than welcomed to keep Amos for yourselves. Please don’t send him back to us. 

And we also wonder where did all of Amos’s fans and supporters disappear to. Afterall, Amos needs more money to fund his "escape from Singapore". 

So where are all his  suckers supporters?

Five Stars And a Moon - Amos Yee’s plan backfires

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