Monday, October 12, 2015

Hougang Parkland Resident refuse to pay conservancy charges

Why Pay party is now sending payment reminder to residents to Pay And Pay. But the residents are now asking Why Pay for services the town council still refused to provide?

One resident noted that AHTC just "anyhow gives a lump sum without breakdown". That is expected as AHTC's own auditors reported that it does not have a system to monitor arrears of conservancy and service charges accurately and hence there is no assurance that arrears are properly managed. So residents better do their own tracking and calculation instead of anyhow pay whatever amount the TC demanded hor.

Recap: AHPeTC took over the estate in late 2014. It collected S&CC from the residents but refused to provide basic estate maintenance for more than 6 months. The residents have to turn to local grassroots, Victor Lye, to help them negotiate with HDB to get the developer to provide interim maintenance services without pay while AHPeTC dragged its foot on the matters.

Source: Fabrications About The PAP (Facebook post)

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