Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Is Amos a Hero, or simply a big fat zero?

There are some people who would hail Amos as a 'Hero' simply because he 'dared' to 'speak out' and 'criticize' the late Lee Kuan Yew.

I say Amos is a Big Fat Zero. 

Apart from his propensity to use vulgar and crass language and speak with a fake Ang Mo accent, what has he done that is of any value or significance?

He hasn't even completed his National Service. He's decided to discontinue his education after his O-levels so that he can focus on his "filming". He has never had a proper job.

All he has done is made some crappy videos with that foul-mouth and regurgitate nonsense from his ex-admirer Roy Ngerng.

And in the process, he has fooled dozens of people to donate money to "fight" his cause/court case but now he has publicly said that he will use the money on himself instead.


By Devadas Krishnadas, 14 May 2015
Devadas Krishnadas is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Future-Moves Group. 

Police officers are heroes. Firefighters are heroes. Accident and Emergency staff are heroes. Social workers are heroes. Parents are heroes.

Amos Yee is not a hero – of or for anything.

That he has become the poster boy for some in the Arts community and the foreign media is symptomatic more of their opportunism than a reflection of Yee manifesting deep convictions.

We have important challenges as a society and as an economy. We need to stop mind share being captured by a juvenile through a cocktail of his provocations and our over reading into their significance.

Those who say proudly that his actions do not constitute harm are being naïve.

We cannot and should not take risks with the religious and ethnic fault lines. Our social harmony is not a given and rests on these lines being kept straight and unshaken.

We cannot afford the wishful thinking of putting faith in all of society being mature, educated and forgiving to manage away the risks.

Many have pointed to Yee’s intelligence in a way that suggests that it gives him legitimacy. This is absurd and smacks of elitism. It is precisely the fact of his intelligence which means that he should be held accountable.

It is time for Singaporeans to get back to focusing on the things that matter – our civic harmony, our continued economic progress, and the people who count – our families, our neighbours, our fellow citizens.

That focus is best channelled to efforts to bring us together, not tear us apart. It also means dealing with tangible matters not made-up battles.

We have serious challenges and we need serious people to attend to them.

Not another clown.

Reproduced from: Devadas Krishnadas (Facebook post)


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